Saturday, July 10, 2021


We Choose Our Own Fate


Your life pattern should be like this. Moses teaches a song to God’s people who He had delivered and redeemed out of Egypt. We should realize miracles and blessings like these given to us (Lk 8:9-10).

ASK God to show you how to feel peace through following these steps that that are outlined. After He delivers us, strive to follow God’s laws and discipline ourselves to Him to show thanks. 

The Song of Moses is an outline revealing how God's people went astray. It is given in God's covenant law to help us avoid this prideful trip. It is not an idle word for you; indeed it is your life (Dt 32:1-47).


        Who is able to stand with Moses and Jesus on the sea of glass? Those who overcome the beast, and praise and glorify the Lamb.


More spiritual signs each month point to a limited time for the “United States Republic” to continue in sin. We should be considering what the Bible means by; 

“The fulness of time of the gentiles (Amorites, etc).”  Their sins had not fully accumulated to justify the desolation of the land (Gen 15:16, Rom 11:25).

There are challenging ideas in this study.  They are from the Bible and provable.  Look them up in your Bible to learn about them.

The Lord said, “Do not add or take away from God’s  scripture (Dt 12:32, Rev 22:18-19).  Figure out how to accommodate Jesus Christ’s teaching into your life. Ask Him to show you how.

Logic is required.  Seek for  wisdom (Prov 1 - 3).  Make your ear attentive to wisdom and incline your heart to understanding (Prv 2:2).  We will be condemned for refusal to follow the light of the Holy Spirit with obedience of faith (Jn 3:19-21, 14:16-17, 16:7-15).

We can have eternal life if the qualities of the Holy Spirit are yours and increasing (2Pet 1:4-8). You will perish from the good land the Lord has given you if you cling to the rest of the nations which remain among you (Josh 23:12).  You must strive to separate from the world (Eph 2:2, Jn 15:19, Js4:4, 1 Jn 2:15-16).

                                      THE STORY OF GOD'S PEOPLE


        After 6 days of Creation God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good (Gen 1:31 NASB throughout). But Lucifer, a guardian angel over the arc of the covenant containing the tablets of the law in the temple in heaven, was found to have pride, boasting about his beauty, perfection and his important position. 

Some people like to receive glory from others. We must not be found boasting about our position before God, because everything we have is from Him (1Cor 4:7). 

Lucifer was pridefully desiring to raise his throne above the stars of God and make himself like the Most High (Is 14:13). He thought he could be god.  He wanted to be worshipped (Mt 4:8-10). Lucifer was thrown down out of heaven with the angels who had followed him (Isaiah 14:11-15, Ezek 28:4-6, 12-15, 32:2, Rev 12:9). The remaining two thirds of the angels in heaven remained faithful to the Lord, worshiping and giving Him glory (Rev 5:13-14). 

On earth the devil, Satan, lures people today just as he tempted Eve to believe in himself and disobey God’s rules in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:15-17, 3:1-5, 1 Pet 5:8). 

LEARN TO SEE GOD’S MIRACLES  We are all to be tested. God has always given men the choice of seeking a life of blessings for obedience  to Him, or curses because of disobedience (Josh 23:14-16). 

Choose to live by God's laws or man’s laws, which are rooted in the devil’s teachings (Gen 3:1-5, Josh 23:12-13, 24:19-20, Dt 30:15-20). 

If we seek God, to learn and follow Him, we are blessed – you have been given God’s covenant Laws and a copy of His Holy Scriptures, the Bible.

 WE ARE FREE TO CHOOSE life and prosperity, or death and adversity (Gen 2:16-17, Dt 30:15-20, Mt 7:24-29, Lk 8:9-10). Some join groups and friends who are just stubborn and rebellious - they will not walk in the Lord’s way - or listen to Him (Jer 6:16-17)!  


We must take all the Bible in its entirety.  Do not add or subtract any words or ideas. None or it is obsolete. It all is in harmony. It all makes up God’s message to us. There is nothing changed.

It is logical to accept the whole of a book.  It is not wise to only take part of it.  Bind up the testimony (Is 8:16-20). You can see what happens to the peoples who follow the Lord, and those who turn away from Him.  Accept the truth taught in these patterns.

Wisdom is prudence in seeking.  Study grammar, syntax, and contents in what is being told.

The Lord does many things out of the ordinary. Frequently, we need to get out of our rut in life and get into what the Bible calls a “wilderness experience.” 

This removes the world's support and distractions so we may be more attentive to spiritual things and “miraculous” blessings (1 Jn 2:15-16). 

There are two great areas we can be missing blessings. The Lord tells us to ask about are robbing God's storehouse of tithes, and not honoring His Sabbath Day (Mal 3:8-12, Is 58:13-14, Lk 8:9-18, 21).  Talk to the Lord about these.

SEPARATE FROM THE WORLD    God chose a man named ABRAM from the pagan country of UR.  He offered him blessings and a great family if he would follow and obey Him (Gen 12:1). 

Abram proved to be a faithful follower of the Lord, so the Lord changed his name to Abraham. The Lord God had led Abraham out of idolatry and idol worship from the land of Ur into a new land He had promised him.. Abraham would need to go through a “wilderness experience.”  This is looked at as giving up most things near and familiar to him to get to know the Lord God better (Jn 17:3, 11, 18-19, 22).

Jesus says this is not optional.  If we say we trust Him, call to Him when we study and ask Him what He means (Lk 8:9-10).                                 ASK what do you mean for me to do with what He says and teaches you (Lk 14 26,27,33).

After His people lived a life of apostasy from the Lord - He told His prophet Jeremiah, “Do not pray for this people” (Jer 7:16)!

ABRAHAM is the father of every uncircumcised person who believes, and the father of every circumcised person who has also followed in the footsteps of trust Abraham had while he was still uncircumcised (Rom 4:9-16).

Our faith grows as we experience the steps of faith when God is our help and support through life, like Abraham (Rom 1:17, 2 Cor 3:18).

Abraham was the first to faithfully follow the Lord and “sacrifice" his country, his relatives and his father’s house in relation to his love and worship of our creator God (Gen 12:1, Dt 6:4-9, Mt 22:36-40, Lk 14:26, 27, 33). 

Abraham separated from his nephew Lot and accepted living in the wilderness rather than the City of Sodom (Gen 13:8-12).

We are to follow in the STEPS OF FAITH of our father Abraham (Rom 4:1-16, Gal 3:6-9). We can see the “steps of faith” found in Abraham’s life of following the Lord’s directions beginning in Genesis Ch 12-22). Jesus taught the steps (Luke 14:26, 27, 33).  

The Lord had Abraham separate from the pagan religions of idolatry in Ur.  The Bible later refers to this as “circumcision of the heart” (Dt 10:16, Rom 2:29, Col 2:11).  

Abraham’s grandsons Jacob and Esau show the choice of striving for the Lord’s blessing, or striving against the Lord’s Holy Spirit. Esau despised his birthright but later desired to inherit the blessing.  For those who received the true light of God for men, Jesus gave them the right to become children of God (Gen 25:27-34, Jn 1:12, Heb 12:16-17, Den 6:3, Rev 3:18).

Also see how Abraham’s spiritual growth compares to God’s Plan of Salvation Seen in the Lord’s Holy Days (Ex 13:7-9, 14-18, Lev 23:2-44).  These are discussed in the Lord’s holy convocations, with included chart;  

Link to;  God’s Plan Of Salvation Seen In His 8 Festivals.

These feasts show God’s plan of salvation to redeem a man of sin.  The first step is to see ourselves as sinners in need of mercy at the Lord’s judgment (Lk 18:9-14).

Abram’s testimony is like this (Gen 12-14, Rom 4:1-16). He lived as an “alien” in the land of promise of God (Heb 11:8-13).

In our country’s past people came as aliens to the United States and received “opportunity” to be free and to work.  God gives us opportunity along with the Holy Spirit to show how to be thankful for His gifts and opportunities.

Do not be like the Gibeonite men who lied to Joshua under oath to get accepted into the land of promise (Josh 9:3-4, 14).  They were allowed entrance to join God's people, the Israelites. But they had not consulted with the Lord.

WHAT IS CIRCUMCISION?                

 In the old covenant of circumcision Abraham was to cut-off the flesh of his foreskin as a symbol of his covenant with the Lord.  Abraham, separated from worldly worship of idols, to follow the invisible Creator God.  He accepted no gifts or bribes from the devil (Gen 14:21-24, 2 Cor 6:16-7:1, 1Jn 2:15-17, 3:1-10).   

In the new covenant Jesus taught if you believe in Him you will place knowing Him ahead of family, your own reputation, and things you think you possess (Lk 14:26, 27, 33).  This is testimony of loving God first, the most important law commandment in God’s Law (Mt 22:36-40.     

In the same way, in the New Covenant with the Lord, St.Paul describes how we are to cut-off the world of the flesh, which is seen as “circumcision of the heart” ( Col 2:9-13, 1Jn 2:15-17).

The Lord established His covenant with Abraham and changed his name to ABRAHAM, meaning father of a multitude - he was to father a multitude of nations - NOT ONLY ISRAEL (Gen 17:5). 

Anyone who seeks eternal life with our Creator God will be grafted into His people Israel (Num 15:14-16, Rom 11:16-26).  We are to be like Abraham’s family of people, Israel, who are to be an example and a messenger of the Good News of God’s Son Jesus who has come to redeem the sins of the world and become disciples of His (Mt 28:19).



The Lord changed Abraham’s grandson’s name from Jacob to “Israel.”  Jacob strived with his older brother Esau to buy Esau’s “firstborn birthright” from him (Gen 25:29-34). Jacob later strived with the Lord to give him a blessing (Gen 32:28). 

Later, in the days of the Kings of Israel, God’s people Israel became idolatrous, arrogant, disobedient, and defiled. God referred to the rulers of Israel and Judah as "rulers of Sodom and Gomorrah (Is 1:1–10).  

At various times, they kings in Israel and Judah would seek peace through alliances with neighboring kings instead of their God (Is 7:1-9, 8:6-7, 2Kin 16:1-9).

We are to “ASK;” (ask,seek and knock) God to have His blessings.  We are to ask for His Holy Spirit as a teacher and guide through life (Jn 16:7-15).  Jesus said, “Strive to enter by the narrow gate that leads to life. He told them that He was the gate (Mt 7:7, 13-15, Jn 10:7). 

The Lord sent His prophet Isaiah to warn His people (Is 6:8-11). The period of time for God’s patience and condoning was dependent on whether the remnant of Israel (native born and aliens who joined Israel) repented and turned to the Lord from idolatry (Is 8:9-20). Idolatry is worship of anything else than the Creator God (Ex 20:3-6, Rom 1:18-32). 

This pattern is also seen after the nation left Egypt. The Lord had given the Nation of Israel His covenant laws through Moses and warned them that the book of the law would remain as a witness against them (Dt 31:26-30, 32:1-47, Judg 2:1-3). 


The Lord left pagan nations living in Canaan to test Israel when they entered. They had been given Canaan Land as the Promised Land of their inheritance.  But they had not experienced any of the wars yet in conquering Canaan. They needed to be taught war (Judg 3:1-7)!    This is a tribulation in life (Jn 16:33).

Disciples of Christ need to learn spiritual warfare to remain separate from the deceit of the devil, Satan and overcome him (Eph6:10-18, 2 Thes 2:3-12). Joshua gave this message early in the history of God’s people to prepare to be strong and courageous (Josh 1:7-9,  Judges 3:1-2).


The Lord will hide His face from all evil, but promises to vindicate His servants (Gen 6:3 flood judgment). His Spirit will not strive with man forever because he also is flesh (Gen 6:3, 6).

NOTICE all the instances which highlight fleshly man fighting and striving with the Holy Spirit (Dt 31:19-20, 32:36, Rom 7:14-25, 8:6-14, 1 Cor 2:14-15). 

PURIFY       Be a remnant of God’s original pure people.

The Prophet Malachi gives us an example; 

Malachi taught that the Lord’s Messenger of the covenant, Jesus, is coming, and He is like a refiner’s fire. He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver. He will skim away the impurities of His people like melted metal (Mal 3:1-3, Mt 3:11). 

Be ready when He comes and appears to you (1Thes 3:13).


The Lord had told Adam to “choose life.”  He wants to help those who love Him to overcome sin. This command is for men of all times- not a few dispensations or groups after Jesus lived (Gen 2:15-17, 4:7, Rev Ch 2-3)

    In the New Testament churches of Corinth, Paul sent a stubborn, rebellious man from the midst of His people for the destruction of his “flesh” so that his spirit mat be saved (Ex 32:8-10, Num 33:50-55, 1Cor 5:5). 

The Bible teaches there is WAR BETWEEN  Flesh vs. Spirit.

  Paul teaches of this war too, beginning in his New Testament letter to the Roman Church. Providentially, his letter to the  Romans was ordered first in the New Testament letters to the churches in scripture because it teaches “obedience of faith.”  This is of key importance in revealing and eliminating legalism (Acts 6:7, Rom 1:5, 16:26).

This is no coincidence because the Old Testament Prophet Daniel described the history of the world in four national kingdoms seen in dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar (Dan 2:36-45, 7:1-8, 17-26). The leader of the last kingdom, Rome,  “would speak out blasphemous words against the most high God and inted to change times and law” (Dan 7:25).        We are to keep our Creator God's laws to show our allegiance and loyalty to Him, rather than any creature (Rom 1:25).

Listening to and do His statutes. We are saved by grace through faith.  David Stern has translated “faith” as “trust grounded obedience” in the Complete Jewish Bible.with our Lord by listening to and doing His statutes

See  link to;       “Bible Facts Don’t Change” for dates and names of world nations in Bible history.  

The universe is orderly.  It has “one Law” = “uni - verse. (Job 38:33 NLT).

See how Satan has constantly attacked God’s Law to test and blind God’s followers to fail to see His Light (2 Cor 4:4).

 NO NOTE:  The deception of this beast from the earth is to deceive God’s people as revealed (2Thes 2:7-12, Job 1:11-12, 2:3-5, 2 Cor 4:4, 11:14-15,  1Pet 5:8, Rev 12:9, 12, 13:11-18).  

                The Lord threw the devil out of heaven down to earth to test men when they have been given a free choice to follow the Creator God or a rebellious imposter, created angel, Lucifer  (Is 14:12 KJV).

  See Adam and Eve’s Simple Choice for a list of many of Satan’s Schemes. 

The Roman Catholic Church fulfilled the Daniel prophecy (Dan 7:25) when they outlawed the Lord's holy Sabbth convocations and established their own denomination's rest day on the first day of the week. Read about this blasphemy in the Council of Laodicea in 336 a.d.  Search  Catholic Catechism Sabbath,  and the Council of Laodicea, Canon #29.

        The council in the City of Laodicea was the first to outlawGod's seventh day Sabbath. About 1200 years later, at the Council of Trent, Martin Luther’s teaching about Righteousness of Faith, in contrast to earned rewards through legalism (Rom 4:3-5), was brought up. However, these Reformers did not protest against the Roman changes to the times and law of The Highest One. 

        Jesus foresaw aproximately 300 years before the council in Laodicea, the lack of concern over keeping God's law. The people's faith would be lukewarm, and would not defend the Lord's ordinances of divine worship (Heb 9:1). They were “neither hot nor cold,” Jesus was going to spit them out of His mouth (Rev 3:15-17).

            At the council of Trent in 1545 to 1563,  the Roman Catholic church charged the Protestants testimony that they stand upon only the written word of God's scripture alone was not true.  For about 1200 years since the council at Laodicea, no other claims for using scripture alone as the standard for worship observance were made by Protestants.
        The Protestants surrendered.  The debate issue was dropped!  It seems many are not speaking out for God's Covenant Laws today either, alone or testifying at a large council gathering.  

The Roman Catholic leadership representing the fourth beast’s kingdom on earth, Rome, “spoke out against the Most High and wore down the saints of the Highest One. Their intended alterations in times and law” have lasted as a test till now (Dan 7:23-25). 

This situation should make a student disciple of Jesus be extremely careful when judging the thoughts and intentions of their own heart in obeying their Lord’s commands.  We must be loyal and faithful to His covenant laws without desiring rewards for obedience (Heb 4:12), but rather to testify to the world who we worship and give our allegiance to for the grace we have been given.

Some world mega church celebrities are as blasphemous as Lucifer, the devil, - Satan (Is 14:13-16, Ezek 28:12-18).  They preach about obeying God’s laws (which include the seventh day Sabbath) while they stand in the pulpit on Sunday morning as an example of man’s traditions - and while speaking God’s laws (Mk 7:5-8, 13, Mt 23:3).

Some of their sermon' words s are good and accurate, but the overall testimony is deceitful.  You must know the covenant laws of your Bible - to be able to tell truth from the deceptive testimony  (Ex Ch 20-24, Dt Ch 4-32).   We must be ready to do as they say, but not as they do (Mt 23:3). 

               REMEMBER HOWEVER;

God’s Laws have never changed,                         because God never changes.     (Ps 33:11, 119:89,    Mt 5:18-19, Lk 16:17).

God watches to witness those who are keeping His cov-                           enant laws (Josh 24:26-27, Heb 9:1).

If you find a church teaching different from the law of Moses in God’s covenant - flee ( Jn 5:46-47, 1Cor 10:14).               

See the consistency of His covenant of justice,laws, mercy and faithfulness.  He watches for the “fullness of the gentiles” when they are too hardened of heart to show gratitude for God’s blessings and grace. God’s patience towards us is a probation period of condoning our sinful behavior in case we repent (Gen 15:16, Lk 21:24, Mt 7:21-23, 23:23, Rom 11:25).


See the Lord’s demonstration of His power to deliver His people out of bondage and slavery in EGYPT. We are taught today that our faith must not rest on the wisdom of man but on the power of God (1 Cor 2:4-5).

The Prophet Elijah asked the rebellious Israelites, “How long will you hesitate between two opinions; which will you follow? If the Lord is God, follow Him, but if you think Baal, one of Satan’s demons, is god, follow him or one of his men” (1Kin 18:20-21). 



To begin your journey following the Lord - do what the Lord commands in scripture.

We know the people of God live by faith in God’s ways.  They    show loyalty to God’s covenant laws as the Bible describes (Heb 9:1).  Read about His peoples escape from bondage and His requirement of a sacrifice offering for sins against His laws of creation - then a fellowship offering to restore friendship - a propitiation offering to restore atonement (Rom 3:24-25, 1 Cor 15:3-4).

Who will pay the price of your rebellion to His laws?  God taught His people in Egypt to choose a unblemished lamb, and spread its blood on the door posts of their house. This is the law of the house (Ex 12:3-7, Ezek 43:7-12).  


St. Paul teaches, our body is to be the house of the Lord and His Holy Spirit (1 Cor 3:16, 6:13-15, 19-20). Peter taught we should obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood (Heb 10:22, 1Pet 1:2).


In the Old Testament houses of Egypt, Israel was to be set free to begin the exodus. Those houses represented our New Testament houses we are to be delivered from to allow God to build us a new house. We are to grow out of our flesh house into the spirit house God has planned for us (Jn 14:1-3, 2 Cor 4:7,11,16-18, 5:1-4, 9-10, Col 1:22-23, 1 Pet 2:11-12). 

Note how Paul and Peter both saw the judgment of our deeds in the body - whether good or bad (2Cor 5:9-10).

Believe the Lord’s teaching that you are a sinner and need to have atonement made with His Father in Heaven.

The Lord shows you His wisdom in a mystery power in “hidden things.” (1Cor 2:6-9). His miracles are to lead us closer to Him as we grow through the steps of faith of Abraham (Rom 4:16).

Examples of Miracles

The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses from the midst of a blazing fire from the midst of a bush, The bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed. When the Lord saw that Moses turned aside to look, God called to him (Ex 3:2-4).

In the last plague on Egypt, he Lord told Moses to have His people select a lamb to slay and apply its blood on their house to take away the death penalty against all first born sons in the land of EGYPT (Ex 12:3-13).

The blood of the Passover Lamb was to be applied to the door posts of the house where they lived. When the Lord saw the blood “He would miraculously pass over you.”  The door and the entrance are important because the Lord taught that sin is crouching at the door and its desire is for you, but you must master it (Gen 4:7). 

We need to apply Jesus’ sacrificial blood where sin has abounded (Rom 5:17-20, 6:10-14).

After studying the whole Bible,  decide where you are to find an unblemished lamb to slaughter for your sins (Ex 12:3-13, Jn 1:29)?  

The Old Covenant used physical lamb’s blood, in the New Covenant we are to use Jesus’ blood.  Seek the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (Jn 1:29). 

The miracle of applying the blood separated them from the sons of Egyptians who didn’t believe the Lord’s teaching. The Egyptians followed the devils teachings of Egypt.  We are to be sprinkled with the blood of Christ, along with the sons of Christ. This is spiritual Israel (Rom 2:28-29, Rom 11:25, 2 cor 2:14, 1 Pet 1:2). 


Turn to victory over sin. Through the Old Testament history with the kings of Israel, His people kept failing to separate from surrounding peoples who were not obeying God’s covenant laws (1 Kin 11:1-10, 2Kin 17:6-18). The Lord used natural disasters, foreign nations, and curses to punish His people Israel throughout their history. 

They were told in His laws to have all aliens assimilate to His laws (Num 15:14, 33:50-55). This is how people of “the wild olive tree” could be grafted into the “cultivated olive tree” of Israel (Rom 2:28-29, 11:17-26). This explains God's plan for keeping His Nation pure. And explains how we are to "keep" the garden of our heart pure (Lk 8:11-18, 21).


The United States is allowing some people to walk over the border deceptively and live according to their own laws - defying our God’s laws. Our Constitution was founded on Judeo Christian Laws from the covenants in the Bible (Josh 9:3-27). 

Aliens come to the United States and still want to keep their families old way of life, old country’s traditions, and gods, but they want U.S. citizens to pay for everything with no sacrifice for them. 


God’s law warns of destructive consequences if we listen to foreign ideas and teachings different from Jesus’ (Num 33:50-55, Josh 23:14-16).

God kept searching His people for expressions of gratitude, thanksgiving and loyalty to Him (Lev 26:19-38, Hab 1:13, Heb 12:28, Rev CH 2-3).  Give thanks without ceasing.

The Lord warned Adam and Eve, and their children, “Sin is at the door and its desire is for you, but you must master it” (Gen 4:7).  

The sin is the devil, Satan (Mk 4:13-20).  God’s Law Does Not Change.  Satan disguises himself as an angel of light to steal the word from the garden of your heart (Mt 13:19-21, 2Cor 4:4). 


The City of Capernaum. The Prophet Isaiah prophesied that a great light would come to it ( Is 9:1-2). Jesus, The Light of the World, actually settled there to live and work miracles and teach, but the people failed to repent. 

Jesus gave His final judgment of Capernaum and the people who lived in the city, and said, “You shall descend to Hades, for if the miracles had occurred in Sodom which occurred in you, it would have remained to this day (Mt 4:13-16, 11:20-23)!  Learn to see miracles!

The Lord allows Satan to blind some people who do not thirst to understand God’s word, so that they may be stumbling blocks to others as a test, persecution or tribulation in life (Job 1:9-12, 2:1-6, Mt 13:10-11, 2 Cor 4:4, Rev 12:11-14). These are briars and thorns (Mt 13:7, 22).

The pattern of God’s people in Bible history predicts the stubbornness and rebellion seen in the “Christian nation” of America today.  We are at God’s final warning of destruction (Jn 5:25-28). Many are following false prophets who teach false fruits to produce false followers in the church (Mt 7:15-23).

Jesus cautioned, “If you believe Mose you would believe Me, for he wrote of Me. If you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words” (Jn 5:46-47)?


Today, many churches are like this. They teach no punishment for homosexuality, abortion killing, or theft of a person’s possessions or election theft. If a person practices any sin without punishment or discipline action, they become hardened and more stiff necked (2Kin 17:7-18). They are accustomed to following other gods, such as the Pope, a national sports star, or a television celebrity.

A homosexual defies God’s laws of natural creation and God’s spiritual laws of how to live (Rom 7:10).  They even contradict themselves by saying they stand for green sustainable policies - but homosexuals cannot reproduce with each other!      God blessed Noah and his sons and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. and fill the earth."

     Make the story of your life imitate God’s Son Jesus.  Don’t  condone sin, speak against it. Choose fellowship and harmony with disciples of Jesus for your repentance and restoration from sin. Return and obey the Lord (DT 30:15-30, Josh 22:5, Rom 1:18-32, Heb 13:7, 1 Jn 1:5-10, 3Jn 1:11). 

        Abraham’s Testimony is like this on earth (Gen Ch 12-14, Rom 4:10-16). He lived as an alien in a land of promise (Heb 11:8-13).

Separate from sin.  Sin is lawlessness (1 Jn 3:4).

We need to heed all the Lord sent to us through His messengers the prophets. God does not change. His Word does not go away. Noah was a preacher of righteousness (2 Pet 2:5). 

God gives us opportunity and the Holy Spirit to show us how to be thankful.  Do not be like the Gibeonites and lie under oath to be accepted (Josh 9:3-6).  They were accepted on welfare and mercy of Israel.


The saved remnant of God’s people Israel has always been the portion who separated from sin and a rebellious attitude.  These are not the physical descendants of the early Israelites (Rom 9:8).  These choose to trust in the God of Israel (Heb 11:24-25). The Lord condones sin for a while so that we can repent to His covenant (Mk 1:15, Acts 2:37-42, Rev 2:20-22, 9:20-21). 

See the constant Bible teachings included with the first settlers of Canaan into the Promised Land (Ex Ch 20-23, Dt Ch 4-32).

Our New Covenant trip of faith following the Father’s Son into the Kingdom of Heaven should see things of the world as under a ban; 

When Israel crossed the Jordan River, they were to conquer the city of Jericho The Lord told Joshua, a type of Jesus, that everything in the city was under a ban.  The city and everything in it belongs to the Lord.  They were to keep themselves from the things under the ban, lest you covet them - you would make the camp of Israel accursed (Josh 6:17-18). 

Compare this Ban to that originally given to Adam (Gen 2:16-17).

In the New Covenant under Jesus’ blood, we are taught not to lie to the Holy Spirit like Ananias and Sopphira (Acts 5:1-11, Rom 6:1-2, 15, 2 Cor 6: 16-7:1, Rev CH 2-3).  They died.

The Lord’s instructions for the seven churches in John’s Revelation were to repent - he who overcomes I will grant to sit down with Me on My throne as I also overcame and sit down with My Father on His throne (Rev 2:3:21). 

The Lord cannot live with sin. That is why heaven must be pure (2 Cor 6:14-7:1).  Satan, after turning prideful was thrown down to earth (Rev 12:9).

The Lord puts us through tests to discipline us and remove impure thought and traditions which we get from the world (Judg 2: 1-3, 3:1-4, Mal 3:2-6). 


See repeated cycles of condoning and judging to purify people (Judges 2:1-3, 18, 3:1-4). Jesus taught that the seed of His word planted in "thorny soil" is like the deceitfulness of riches that choke the word out of your heart (Lk 8:12, 14-15, Heb 12:4-13). 


Jesus will condemn those who loved darkness rather than the light; for their deeds were evil. He who practices the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.” 

 To get a favorable merciful judgment, we are to have the characteristics of the Holy Spirit increasing (John 3:19-21, 44-47, 2 Pet 1:5-11). 

The Lord instructed Moses to make the candlesticks for the sanctuary out of one piece of hammered gold (Ex 25:31). This is a picture of the Lord’s disciples being wrought into a saint to reflect the light of Jesus while going through trials and tests. 


The Lord has ONE CHURCH for all time. The Lord does not change. Learn the spiritual teachings of Jesus’ days on earth, and His law taught by Moses. Seek it. Join it. (Jn 5:46-47, Eph 4:4-6). 

See how this ‘one church’ was depicted first by one man’s family, (Abraham), then one nation, (Israel).  They all had God’s laws, statutes and Ordinances (Gen 26:5, Ex 20:1-24:8, Dt 4:1-32:47). The Lord does not change.

  See how important it is for us to respond to righteous men in scripture and in life to cleanse ourselves in flesh and spirit to remain pure to Jesus’ ways (2 Cor 6:16-7:1, 1 Pet 2:5, 2 Pet 3:14-17).

“Not everyone who says to Me Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven; but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven, Mt 7:21-23, Js 2:22-26).

Some did their works in the Lord’s name, but He says to some “Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.” 


There is an end of time for God's CONDONING sin because of a wrong attitude. Today in the United States, and probably a lot more of the world, This is the “fullness of time of the gentiles.” 

If we go on forgiving when the sinner, who has a wrong attitude - we are condoning their sin. We should take the opportunity to teach God’s law and try to make a disciple out of the sinner and communicate that we do not accept their ways (Mt 28:19-20, Lk 18:9-14, Rom 1:18-35). 

Beware - If sentence against evil is not executed quickly, the hearts of the sons of men are given fully to do evil (Ecc 8:11).

“Gentiles” are aliens to God’s people Israel.  These are the “uncultivated” in Romans 11:24.   The soil of their hearts have not been tilled to help the seed of God’s word to grow (Mt 13:19, Lk 8:12).             

The Bible warns us to remember to be thankful for our blessings and not to take God’s grace as earned. We are to express gratitude to God (Heb 12:28, Dt 32:41,43). 

A good example of expressing our gratitude is from 

Nebuchadnezzar (Dan Ch 4). This is the testimony of a selfish, arrogant sinner king who was humbled to recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows peace and wisdom on whomever he wishes (Dan 4:25e, 27b).  After the Lord's conversion, Nebuchadnezzar talked about the Lord's greatness and gave glory to the Lord.

We must learn to be victorious over the devil. 

This is what Jesus teaches in the Parable of the Sower (Lk 8:15, Rev Ch 2 - 3). 



Jesus extends Grace to us If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9). We are to avoid the briars and weeds that choke God’s word from becoming fruitful in the garden of our heart. These are troubles and cares in life that we need to weed out (Lk 8:14). We can not eliminate them, but we need to focus on our faith in Jesus (Heb 11). Adam was told to cultivate and keep the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:15). Keep it - don’t let anything change in it.

The Hebrew word #5647, Cultivate means: to work, till, serve, worship, enslave, obey, become a servant (Gen 2:15).  We are to be grafted into this cultivated olive tree (Rom 11:17-24).

Keep” means to not change anything from how you were given it or grow it (Rom 6:5-11).

The spiritual war throughout the Bible is between the lusts of our flesh and the Spirit within us (Gen 6:3). Satan, the devil, feeds these lusts to influence us to turn away from the Lord (Gen 3:1-5). We learn more about the war in (Judg 3:1-40, Eph 6). 


Flesh vs. Spirit (Gen 6:3, Rom 6:5-11, 22, 8:6, Rev 12:1-4, 7-17, Eph 6:12, ). 


        Jesus warns His followers that “everyone who hears these words of Mine,  and does not act upon them, will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand. And the rains descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house, and it fell, and great was its fall (Mt 7:26-27, 1 Cor 2:10-15). 

The results of doing God’s will;

The man who built his house on the rock (Jesus) the storms came and blew and burst against that house and yet it did not fall (Mt 7:24-25 

Ezekiel highlights some of our responsibilities to be watchmen and shepherds to God’s people. He outlines our response to the New Covenant living with God’s Spirit in us.  We should be ashamed and confounded for our ways Oh house of Israel.  Jesus wants the humble spirits. He rejects the proud. (Ezek Ch 36:32). 

If we just watch evil operate in the world – we will also be hardened by just sitting and watching. The evil ones will also be hardened by sinning. Both being lukewarm against evil and doing it will harden our hearts (Rom 1:18-32, Rev 3:15-19). Go forward into the wilderness and confront the devil with scripture (Mt 4:1, 4,7,10).

Don’t just believe Jesus lived 2000 years ago and was nice! Realize that as God’s son He lived and never sinned. He was able to live out the plan of God the Father for the Son to die as a sinless sacrifice, and to redeem all of mankind who confess their rebelliousness to God’s covenant.

The Full Gospel is revealed in Rom 1:16-17, Acts 2:22, 1 Cor 15;3-4. 

If you don’t believe that Jesus does the works of the Father, then do not believe Him; but if He does the works of the Father, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in Him, and Jesus is in the Father (Jn 10:37-38). 

     Accept Jesus’ sacrificial blood shed on the cross for the redemption of sinners. Jesus satisfied the Atonement Day sacrifices (Lev 16:1-34, 23:26-32).

Join Israel to show your faith, loyalty, and allegiance to God’s scriptural covenants of the Law (Num 15:14-16, Jn 14:23, Rev 5:12-13).

We are to become a Spiritual Israelite (Gen 6: 3, Ex 12:38, 43-49, Num 33:50-56, Dt 10:12-17, 32:1-47, Rom 2:17-29, 7:14-25, 8:3-5, 8:5-14, 1Cor 2:12-14). These are references describing a True Jew! These have trust grounded obedience to Jesus covinent.

“He who is a Jew is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God” (Rom 2:29, Col 2:11).

This string of scriptures referenced above show how consistently the Lord reminds His people through the Bible history that we are to be spiritually minded people. Learn, ask, be a pupil (Lk 6:40, 8:9-10) to be in the righteous remnant of God’s people Israel (Rom 9:6-8, 27-).


The Lord said that “In the day Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would surely die. They did not die physically that day - but died spiritually, from believing someone else’s teachings instead of the Lord’s (Gen 2:16-17). 

This is a condition from which we can recover from, by being “born again from above”  with the Holy Spirit, and believing and following Jesus’ covenant teachings (Jn 3:3-7, Eph 2:1-9). 

If we are spiritually born again, we may sleep until Jesus calls us to rise again from our sleep, as at the resurrection of Lazarus (Jn 11:11-14, 21-23, 43-44). 

We see from scripture’s description of King David’s life “that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day.”  And that David, after he served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was laid among his fathers, and under went decay (Mt 10:28, Acts 2:29, 13:36).

Jesus teaches do not fear physical death - “fear Him who is able to cast both body and soul into hell, if we stay dead spiritually without being born again (Mt 19:28).  We are to seek the spiritual life of Jesus disciple’s ( Mt 19:28, Ezek33:7, 11 , 20, 34:13).

This should be our purpose in life - to live according to God’s covenant laws (Josh 23:14-16, 24:25-27).  When we sin and miss the mark of righteousness - confess our sins to God (1 Jn 1:9-10).

A few key teachings, or laws, stand out when we evaluate all the scriptures have taught over time.  Jesus warns us that all men do not naturally possess eternal life and immortality. If we do not pursue the Holy Spirit as our teacher of righteousness, our end is destruction in the fire of hell. 

CONSIDER THESE FACTS as we follow the Lord;  

1 God’s Word does Not change - We must. (Mt 5:18-20,      24:35, Lk 16:17).

2 God does not change (Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8). 

3 God has one church for all times ( Eph 4:4-6). 

4 show mercy or we will not receive mercy which we all need    

   (Mt 6:12-14, 23:23). 

5 don’t turn away from God’s teaching (Holy Spirit) after  

   entering into the Lord’s inheritance of His covenant (Josh 

   23:6-16, Gal 3:29). 

6 Discipleship of Jesus Christ is costly - plan ahead 

   (Lk 14:26, 27, 33).

7 Go through the steps of faith as Abraham our father of 

   faith grew (Gen 12:1-26:5, Rom 4:12-16).

8 You can understand God’s Bible if you are seeking.  Ask for 

    the Holy Spirit to teach you as Jesus promised 

    (Jn 16:5-14). You have no need of a teacher because you   

    have an anointing from the Holy Spirit (1 Jn 2:20,27). 

The Lord gives grace as He condones our rebellion and stubbornness until we turn to Him and ask for help and mercy. We need His mercy and forgiveness. Behold the kindness and severity of God that leads us to repentance ( Dt 31: 26 - 29, 32:46-47, Rom 2:4-10, 11:21). 

We must be grateful. God's mercy to us is a gift from God through His Son. Be humble at His patience with us while He allows us time to repent. 

You must know the Bible.  Ask the Lord to send you the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you as Jesus promised.  You must know the truth of God from the lies of Satan to know the difference (Jn 8:42-47).

Then you will be able to hear our shepherd Jesus when He calls you (Jn 10:14-18). Practice listening to Jesus' teaching.

To the followers in the crowds listening to Him teach, Jesus explained that the general crowds only get teaching in parables. But to those who ask  - He explains the teachings (Lk 8:4-10). Then they can discipline their lives to be disciples of Jesus..

Know the difference between the voice, language and commands of Jesus and the voice, language and commands of Satan (Jn 8:43-47, 10:5, 14, 16, 26-27).

The Lord is not willing for any to perish.  Many will not be willing to persevere through learning God’s truth and turning to God amid the devil’s deceit. This is the mystery of lawlessness.   Know the difference (2 Thes 2:7-12). 

Jesus warns us;

A good tree bears good fruit,  a bad tree bears bad fruit (Mt           7:15-23).

Discipleship is costly;

Love Jesus more than family (Lk 14:26).

Love Jesus more than self ( Lk 14:27).

Everything we have is from God. Be willing to give up           anything you think you own for God (Lk 14:33).

Key words; fulness of time, choose life, wilderness experience, separate from world, steps of faith, plan of salvation, circumcision, covenant laws, stive, learn spiritual warfare, flesh vs, spirit, devil to test man, homosexual, remnant of Israel, one church, spiritual Israelite, condone sin.

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